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These are four advantages of daily sexual relationships

Sex is not just for physical pleasure, but also to research that proves it is the human body healthy and away from diseases. Sex is the first drug that was discovered human body benefits from taking every day. 4 reasons why they tell you, especially men should have sex every day.

1. Sex is a physical act. Changes in your body during intercourse are just as active during workouts or exercises. So you are tired and your body is burning calories.

 2. Get rid of the pain with sex. During sex, both male and female hormone in the body that is composed of Indorfin name Painkiller works. A study of people would not feel pain during sex, especially Orgejhm.

3. During sex whatever fluid comes out of the body they are most Sikrit from prostate. So, if you stop Ijakyuleshn, so it remains fluid in the gland can become inflamed and also several problems. Ijakyuleshn process from time to time is the safety of the prostate.

4. It is a scientific fact that stress comes from having sex. During this process, a substance in your body that is composed of a stress hormone called dopamine fights. Also Indorfin Oksitoksin hormone in the body and causes the body relieves stress

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